Avantia Medical Imaging

Ultrasound (available for ages 11 and up)

By appointment. To schedule an ultrasound appointment, call 613-714-1000.  Allow 1-2 business days for a booking specialist to contact you after leaving your voicemail. Leaving multiple voicemails will not accelerate the booking process.

Ultrasound is a technique that uses sound waves to map out targeted areas of the body. This map creates an image that the reporting physician can use to detect tissue abnormalities, rule out or diagnose disease, and even check up on the health of a growing baby inside the womb. Ultrasound is safe and painless. After applying ultrasound gel to the skin, the sonographer will glide the transducer across the skin over the area in question transmitting the image to a monitor for viewing.

We offer several types of ultrasound imaging, including:

  • General ultrasound
  • Obstetric ultrasound
  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Trans-vaginal ultrasound
  • Vascular ultrasound
  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  • Pediatric ultrasound

X-Ray Examination (available for all ages)

Walk-in: Be sure to bring your health card and exam requisition to your appointment. Walk-ins begin at 8:30am. Please check Notices on our main page for any modifications to our regular x-ray hours.  As the Walk-In X-ray wait times can be quite lengthy, we HIGHLY recommend you check-in online prior to coming to the clinic.  It is best to check-in as early in the day as you can to ensure a spot before closing.

Click here to join our Virtual X-ray Line at your convenience.

X-ray examinations focus on the imaging of abnormalities in the bones, joints, abdomen, chest, spine, face and skull. The area in question may have been damaged because of injury or trauma, overuse, disease, or simply because of a hereditary disposition.

Our x-ray facility and staff can accommodate pediatric and geriatric patients.